zaterdag 7 oktober 2023


Archer Self Propelled 17 Pdr Anti-tank gun

This photo on internet made me curious about the Archer.

So i bought in the summer of 2023 the 1/35 model from Tamiya

and start building...

A small diorama would be nice to...

A job well done i think 😊

Diorama in a hobbyshop:

Some foto's from a real Archer in the War Museum Overloon:

vrijdag 17 februari 2012

"Uneasy" eight

For this diorama i used an old Kit from Italeri, the Sherman M32B1 recovery tank and an M4A3 Sherman 105mm HVSS from Dragon, both scale 1/35. Together with the Country Diorama from MiniArt i made diorama that took place in France, late 1944. The easy eight took a shell hit through its petrol tank and engine and is pulled away by the M32B1. I finished this diorama in January 2012.

vrijdag 16 september 2011

BR 52 van CMK 1/35


From December 2009 until april 2010 I build a resin model from an 1/35 BR 52 war locomotive. It was my first experience with resin and thats whole different ballgame in relation to plastic! After all i succeed to make a acceptable diorama whit it. 

Watch the arrow! I glued a piece of plastic strip between the fire box and the cabin. Otherwise the cabin was slightly tilted backwards

Making sand hoses from welding wire

Base coating with Tamiya grey primer

Finished locomotive

Here a video and some foto's of a real grey BR 52 at the steamdays in Simpelveld (Holland)